Saturday, July 22, 2006

Bankers Bash Bush, Pump Global War

July 21, 2006
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Israel's demented assault on Lebanon might be explained in terms of the frustration of London-based Illuminati bankers with America's failure to attack Iran. They hope the war in Lebanon will spread to Syria and Iran, eventually sucking China and the U.S. into World War Three.
Banker toadies are not shy about this goal. On CNN, Glenn Beck declared Wednesday, "World War Three has begun" and wondered when we would have the "Duke Ferdinand moment." He is referring to the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand, a false flag operation that started World War One. According to The Red Symphony, Leon Trotsky, a Rothschild agent, masterminded it.
Newt Gingrich echoed Beck's insane rhetoric. He said recent events "could be accurately described as a third world war...The ideological wing of Islam is irreconcilable to modern civilization...The free world must stand up to the barbarism or be defeated by it...In this crisis of is possible to win a first decisive victory."
Through their agents, the bankers are pushing for a "war of civilizations" between Christianity and Islam, and ultimately between China, which stands behind Iran (via North Korea) and the USA which backs Israel. The ultimate goal is a depopulated planet with a world government dictatorship.
The Illuminati bankers need to turn their monopoly over the credit of the world's greatest nations into a political and social monopoly such as (their previous drafts) Communism and Fascism. (Significantly, the central banks of North Korea and Iran are among the handful they don’t control.)
War is the principal means by which the banking cartel degrades and enslaves humanity. Specifically, the bankers want to destroy our sources of identity and power, i.e. nation, race, religion and family.
They used the same dog-eared playbook to start World Wars One and Two so let's recall their strategy. The bankers cannot destroy us themselves; they need their enemies to destroy each other. They have been doing this for centuries. Albert Pike, the Supreme Commander of American Freemasonry, predicted the Third World War "between political Zionism and Islam" more than 100 years ago. He said their agents on each side will drag their countries into the abyss. "The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other," Pike wrote in 1871.
The problem is that elements in the US government and military are beginning to recognize the Illuminati plan. They sense the agenda is for the US to be brought down a few pegs.
Apparently North Korea intended the recent missile tests as a warning. They have missiles capable of reaching Japan and possibly the US West Coast. Today we learned that Iranian observers were present at these tests.
Iran sells North Korea billions in oil. Guess how North Korea, an impoverished country, has paid. Iran probably already has nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. How else could it promise to inflict grievous damage if it or Syria is attacked?
Faced with this threat, George W. Bush and Condie Rice are acting with restraint. Believe me, I am no fan of theirs. But we should be suspicious of the changed tone and frequency of criticism of the President in the central banker-controlled mass media.
The conservative foreign policy establishment is "beside itself with fury at the administration," according to an article in The Washington Post Wednesday. The "final straw" was the U.S. decision to offer direct talks and potential benefits to Iran as an inducement to curb its nuclear program.
Bill Kristol and colleagues have taken credit for starting the Iraq War but complain of a failure to move aggressively enough. On FOX Tuesday Kristol (pictured above) said, "we have to be ready to use military force against Iran."
But the president has his backers among some politicians and pundits. According to The Washington Post::
"GOP lawmakers, meanwhile, appear to be lining up closely with the president on foreign policy. It has not helped the neo conservative case, perhaps, that the occupation of Iraq has not gone as smoothly as some had predicted.
Some prominent conservatives, including William F. Buckley Jr. and George Will, have been sceptical of the mission in Iraq and, in Will's case, much of the ability of America to build democracy abroad. In his syndicated column yesterday, Will referred to the neo conservative complaints in observing that the administration is "suddenly receiving some criticism so untethered from reality as to defy caricature."
However, with the support ush and Rice are giving the Israeli aggression there is no assurance they are not becoming "untethered from reality." See "Nuclear War Coming Soon?" below.
Israelis would do well to consider that Iran already has nuclear weapons. (Possibly they know this and the issue is just an excuse for war.) Some observers believe the Illuminati plan is to sacrifice Haifa and Tel Aviv to their Satanic god in a second "holocaust." The Illuminati created Israel and feel it is theirs to destroy.
It doesn’t help that Israel has squandered its moral capital on this outrage, and Israeli children are photographed writing greetings to Lebanese children on bombs. The truth is that anyone who supports this carnage has no moral protection from receiving the same treatment. Don't underestimate this. We are dealing with occultists who want to degrade us to the level where our slaughter can be justified to God.
This is a public relations disaster for Israel and its supporters. A tsunami of worldwide outrage will hit Israel, overcoming the media stranglehold and all other inhibitions.
The destruction of a country because of the capture of two prisoners by a citizen militia is indefensible. Of course the real reason for this excess is to create an atmosphere of turmoil, despair and panic that will trigger a series of events, a "Duke Ferdinand moment" leading to a regional or global conflagration.
Israelis had better realize they are entering a quagmire. They are pawns in a deadly game, and pawns get sacrificed. Jews appear to have learned nothing from World War Two.
The US is like the turkey reading the Thanksgiving menu and exclaiming, "wait a minute."
Let's support George Bush and Condoleezza Rice in their refusal to attack Iran, and vent our anger and contempt on the Glenn Becks, William Kristols and Newt Gingrich's of the world who want to shove us into the nuclear oven. They are scoundrels, impostors and traitors.
These days I am having deja vu. I am experiencing what it must have been like before the first two world wars when the same shady cast of characters was frogmarching Americans into costlly and gratuitous infernos.
We cannot be complacent. They have never yet failed to manipulate us.
Are we too naive to recognize that modern history is nothing but the process by which the Illuminati transfer total power from the feudal aristocracy to themselves, using liberal democracy as a transitional step and facade?
Incredible and bizarre as this sounds, will humanity recognize before it is too late, it is in the grip of a well organized long-term Satanic conspiracy?
Pike's Letter to Mazzini 1871
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."


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