Friday, July 16, 2004


Exclusive: Breaking 9-11 scandal
Feds knew about 9-11 bribery conspiracy before attacks

by Tom Flocco

ORLANDO, FL -- Tuesday, July 13, 2004 Posted 1:30 PM EDT -- -- Homeland Security whistleblower Mary Schneider is naming names, revealing that former FBI Director Louis Freeh, Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI Director Robert Mueller and numerous U.S. senators and congressmen knew before the September 11 attacks that U.S. immigration officials were bribed by an illegal Moroccan Muslim allegedly linked to Osama bin Laden’s half-brother. This according to Schneider, who was told about the illegal alien's ties to terrorism by outside informant Bonnie Sharrit.

Khalil bin Laden was allowed to leave the country after 9-11 via a documented 140-person multi-flight Saudi airlift through the auspices of the White House who declined to hold Khalid as a material witness despite his suspicious connections to the Tri-Border frontier region of Brazil--known for evidence of terrorism--but also Khalil's inquiries to informant Bonnie Sharrit about bringing in Arabs from Saudi Arabia and Brazil to attend a Florida flight school.

The Sharrit’s informant daughter Christine later revealed that a Muslim named Lyazid Abad had previously lived with alleged hijacker Mohamed Atta--a fact not lost on the Department of Defense Criminal Investigation Division (DOD-CID) who questioned Christine Sharrit--Abad’s wife--immediately after 9-11, indicating U.S. officials knew about Abad’s and Atta’s movements prior to the attacks. But the government now wants Lyazid Abad immediately deported from the U.S. and away from a potential grand jury.

According to records from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida--but also our phone calls to the Board of Immigration Appeals and the Immigration Court public affairs office--on June 15 the Department of Homeland Security moved to deport illegal Moroccan Muslim Lyazid Abad after an exclusive May 26, 2004 story was posted in which Schneider implicated Abad in a sham marriage bribery conspiracy allegedly linked to Mohamed Atta, Khalil bin Laden and the 3,000 death mass murder on 9-11. [Mary Schneider vs. John Ascroft & James Ziglar, Commissioner, U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)]

This morning, U.S. Immigration Court public affairs officer Susan Eastwood called to confirm that Lyazid Abad had been ordered deported on June 15, raising serious questions as to why the government is suddenly deporting Abad--given his alleged ties to Atta and bin Laden.

In 1998--five years after the first World Trade Center attack, Bonnie Sharrit told Schneider she had copies of two $1,500 Tampa bank money orders purchased by Abad and made out to Orlando immigration supervisors Susan Dugas and Stella Jarina to allegedly bribe them for a green card.

Dugas and Jarina then kept Abad's case locked in their offices without action or denial of green card for the next six years. While his application remained pending, this allowed Abad to live, work and travel freely in the U.S., allegedly continuing an al Qaeda terrorist cell support system in central Florida for Atta and others.
But Schneider also told in a series of interviews that she advised all government officials named in this story that immigration officials surreptitiously removed felony fraud case files from her office after hours, took her official case notes detecting felony activity just prior to approving illegal Muslims for green cards with ensuing U.S. citizenship, destroyed incriminating video tape evidence, arranged for a counterfeit search warrant to be served to coerce key evidence from informants, and that she personally witnessed with other office staff the shredding of seven years of official daily interview logs so no audit could take place regarding the immigration violations.

Schneider’s letters and faxes to the 9-11 Commission have also met with no response or request to hear her testimony--either in public or in private.

A court-designated whistleblower with federal protection, Schneider added that prior to the 9-11 attacks she contacted Ashcroft six times--including February, March, April, and August 9, 2001--32 days before the attacks, Freeh ten times, Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General Glen Fine seven times--including December 26, 2000 and August 9, 2001, Mueller once--August 9, 2001, but also members of Congress to report that U.S. immigration officials took monetary bribes to assure green cards for illegal Muslims, which facilitated their ability to remain in the U.S. to develop terrorist support networks.

The Sharrits told Schneider that Lyazid Abad had lived with Atta and other Arabs in a central Florida apartment while engaging with other nationals in felony fraud sham marriages to remain in the country; but the Sharrits told Schneider that Abad was also associated with Khalil bin Laden who owns a 20-acre estate in Winter Garden--just minutes from Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom.

A former contract security officer in the Orlando immigration office confirmed what appeared to be evidence of ongoing bribery of federal officials after 9-11 according to Schneider: "The security officer told my attorney Donald Appignani and me that on at least 25 different occasions, aliens appearing for their green card interviews were found to have in their possession sums of cash in the amounts of $5,000 to $8,000 which were brought into the offices of immigration officials here in Orlando."

Within three months after this issue was addressed in the February, 2003 court deposition of Orlando immigration supervisor Susan Dugas in Schneider vs. Ashcroft & Zigler, the security officer was relocated from the Orlando office after reporting the incidents. The FBI, INS, senators and congressmen with full knowledge failed to take any action to stop the bribery.

Schneider said she contacted U.S. Senators more than one year before the attacks about the allegations linked to Abad and Khalil bin Laden--including Bob Graham (D-FL), Trent Lott (R-TX), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Arlen Specter (R-PA), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), but also Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-FL), Joe Scarborough (former Florida Republican congressman and current MSNBC host), Walter Jones (R-NC), Harold Rogers (D-KY), Corrine Brown (D-FL), John Mica (R-FL), Bill McCollum (former Florida Republican congressman and current U.S. Senate candidate), former Florida congressional Republicans Charles Canady (R-FL) and Tillie Fowler (R-FL), Lamar Smith, (R-TX) Dan Burton (R-IN) and David Weldon (R-FL).

Besides multiple contacts with the FBI, INS and Congress before the attacks, Schneider also sent letters since 9-11 to all members of both the Senate and House Permanent Select Intelligence Committees who have ignored and thus far failed to respond to her pleas for action to remove the terrorist cells.

This, as Byron York of National Review Online (9-11-2002) quoted FBI spokesman Bill Carter: "Unless you have evidence to stop them from leaving the country [Khalil bin Laden and other family members who the White House failed to hold as material witnesses--allowing them to leave the U.S. days after the attacks], they have every right to do that," Carter explained.

Another 9-11 Racketeering Scandal?

"In June, 1998, I came in for work and found that the box in my office safe was damaged and my computer was illegally tampered with," Mary Schneider told" She continued: "the only individuals with access to the combination were my supervisors Susan Dugas and Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Stella Jarina."

"The following morning outside informant Bonnie Sharrit phoned me to inquire why I had been giving my name and leaving harassing phone messages on their home answering machine for the past few months. I denied making the calls; and as we continued to converse, Bonnie said it was not my voice on the machine, but she provided me with the phone number on their caller-ID," said Schneider.

"I informed her that the phone calls were originating from the Orlando immigration inspections booth," said Schneider, adding "within a week the Sharrits and their daughter Christine met with me to discuss their case involving Christine’s Moroccan husband."

"While I had never met the Sharrits prior to Bonnie calling my office, Bonnie and Ed Sharrit told me their daughter had married an illegal Moroccan Muslim named Lyazid Abad, who I later discovered had lived with Mohamed Atta before marrying their daughter Christine," the immigrations official told us.

Schneider continued, "When the Sharrits returned home, Abad verbally attacked them, stating he knew they had been meeting with me because ‘Supervisor Susan’ [Dugas] had phoned him," adding "Bonnie Sharrit had already told me that she and her husband had seen copies of money orders purchased by Lyazid Abad in the amounts of $1,500 drawn on a Tampa bank and made out to my supervisors Susan Dugas and Stella Jarina."

The Sharrits also told Schneider they discovered that Abad was in possession of Orlando INS Officer-in-Charge Stella Jarina's private personal phone number, when Schneider herself did not have Jarina's personal number after working with her for 18 months.

"I immediately reported these criminal activities to Director John Chase’s Office of Internal Audit (OIA) at INS Headquarters. I spoke to Supervisor Domenic Wazielewski, reporting the felony impersonation of a federal officer via harassing phone calls to the Sharrits, extreme security violation in accessing my assigned, numbered document approval stamp, illegal access to my combination safe, illegal access to my computer and the bribery of my office supervisors," said Schneider.

"This was all documented by government memoranda--faxed and mailed to OIA and dated June 23, 1998; but within two weeks Director John Chase authorized his agent Dalton (Dale) McIntosh to fly to Orlando to investigate me on a bogus complaint filed by an alien in a sham marriage who I did not approve for a green card. And I was investigated even though the video tape of the interview provided advance evidence exonerating me of his trumped charges," said Schneider, adding "McIntosh’s trip expense was an abuse of U.S. taxpayer funds."

She continued, "Before McIntosh’s arrival in Orlando, he made harassing phone calls from INS Headquarters in Washington, DC to Bonnie Sharrit at her home, Ed Sharrit at his office and myself at the INS office," offering further that "when McIntosh came into my office to interrogate me, he ordered me to turn off my tape recorder--but I refused, accusing him of violating the Congressional Whistleblower Protection Act."

"When I refused to turn off the tape recorder for my protection, McIntosh brought in my OIC Stella Jarina who ordered me to turn it off under threat of termination from federal service. But I refused to do so, even as her hands shook so profusely that she could barely write, and the union steward with me witnessed the whole thing; so McIntosh then refused to conduct the interrogation since I continued to tape him for the record," said Schneider.

"The next morning, McIntosh failed to meet with informants Bonnie and Ed Sharrit at his hotel lobby--an appointment he had arranged and for which the Sharrits had both taken time off from work. He never contacted them, canceled or left them a message, thus helping to suppress evidence regarding a bribery conspiracy linked to Lyazid Abad, Mohamed Atta and Khalil bin Laden," said Schneider.

"I personally appeared at the FBI’s Orlando office in July, 1998 and handed letters and information about the bribery conspiracy to duty agent Wendy Evans," adding "the FBI never contacted me before September 11, 2001 or since the attacks."

Fake search warrant served to confiscate incriminating evidence

"I later found out that Dalton McIntosh at the INS had aligned himself with Orlando FBI agent Evans, adding "in October, 1998 Bonnie was prepared to play the tape of the inspector impersonating me so I could identify the voice of whoever had been harassing her," said Schneider.

"However--before Bonnie had the opportunity to play the tape for me--within one week, she was served with a counterfeit search warrant to confiscate the answering machine tape recording of the INS inspector who impersonated me, but also ‘any communication from Mary Schneider,’ " said the Orlando INS adjudications officer.

Believing that Schneider and the Sharrits had been placed under electronic surveillance by the FBI and the INS because they were about to expose criminal activities--some with terrorist implications involving both agencies, asked Schneider to elaborate on how a fake warrant could be issued and who may have served it on Sharrit:

"On October 19, 1998--the day of the incident, Bonnie called me extremely upset, describing the ordeal in detail through her tears, while later revealing that she had learned that a judge had called for an investigation into who forged a signature for issuance of a search warrant," said Schneider, relating curiously, "after the warrant was served, FBI agent Wendy Evans appeared at her door."

After the phone message evidence was confiscated, Bonnie Sharrit revealed to Schneider that she was told to "forget about the briberies and keep quiet."

Schneider told us "in July, 1998, I contacted the Ft. Lauderdale DOJ Inspector General’s office (OIG), and gave Special Agent-in-Charge Alan Hazen all the information, letters, and memos involving the bribery conspiracy, but also a list of dozens of fraud cases surreptitiously removed from my office. But no action was taken for seven months."

"Several days after this warning Dugas and Jarina ordered college intern Kerri Bell-Yeager to shred seven years of official daily interview log sheets recording which aliens had been interviewed, their case number, and the disposition of the case--for example those that I had continued in order to pursue fraud."

"In February, 1999 two DOJ-OIG agents came to Orlando, spoke briefly with me, and then met with Bonnie and Ed Sharrit; but they refused to take copies of the bribery money orders purchased by the illegal Morrocan Muslim Lyazid Abad which were made out to my supervisors, Dugas and Jarina. The Sharrits were outraged that as informants, the OIG treated them as if they were the criminals," Schneider told us.

Schneider added "during this time frame, INS-OIA Special Agent Dalton McIntosh left the Sharrits an ominous voice mail: ‘We are in the process of removing Mary Schneider from her duties, and we need your help.’ "

"Within weeks of this incident, in March, 1999, the OIG gave advance notice and warning to my supervisors, Susan Dugas and Stella Jarina, that they were to be questioned about briberies," said Schneider, continuing, "several days after this warning Dugas and Jarina ordered college intern Kerri Bell-Yeager to shred seven years of official daily interview log sheets recording which aliens had been interviewed, their case number, and the disposition of the case--for example those that I had continued in order to pursue fraud."

"I personally witnessed the destruction of these vital records along with other staff members--also involving a Caribbean national bribery ring reported to me by informant Marcien Gerard Jean, who knew the conspirators arranging sham marriages in another ring who personally told him they had someone inside the INS office helping them," said Schneider, adding "I haven’t talked to him since. He suddenly disappeared."

The Orlando chat room

At the time of the shredding in March, 1999, Bonnie Sharrit informed me about Orlando-area participants in an active AOL chat room which also named my supervisors [Dugas and Jarina] as participants in sham marriage immigration bribery. Two months later, on May 23, 1999, that same chat room continued to discuss the bribery involving Dugas and Jarina, but also Nancy Abernathy who was then an assistant to Congressman Bill McCollum (R-FL)," she said.

The chat room confirmed Schneider’s and the Sharrit’s concerns for National Security, because the illegal Muslims’ bribery of U.S. immigration officials was also supporting an Al Qaeda terrorist cell involving Egyptian Ihab Ali, who was identified as one of Osama bin Laden’s trusted lieutenants--but also his former pilot.

Schneider added "Even after the Sharrits exposed the illegal activities of Lyazid Abad in June, 1998 and after May, 1999, when Orlando, Florida taxi driver Egyptian Ihab Ali was arrested for organizing the U.S. Embassy bombings, the Orlando AOL chat room confirmed that U.S. immigration officials were allegedly taking bribes from illegal Muslims for green cards--individuals who were reportedly assisting Al Qaeda and Ihab Ali within the Orlando terrorist support network."

Schneider had repeatedly informed high government officials about the illegal activities; but Lyazid Abad was never denied a green card. Now the government is deporting him.

The Egyptian Ihab Ali was arrested by the FBI and brought to New York City around May, 1999; and in October, 2000, the Orlando taxi driver’s cover was blown in court testimony because federal official linked the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania to Ali when his name was found in a letter from Ali to a U.S. Army sergeant with ties to al Qaeda in California.

The letter said "give my best regards to your friend Osama....Tell him -- Sam -- that apologize that I couldn’t finish what he requested of me due to some personal problems," and phone records showed a series of calls placed in 1997 between a phone in the name of Ali’s sister and an al Qaeda house in Nairobi where the [U.S. Embassy] bomb plots were managed. (St. Petersburg Times, 10-28-2001)

The Times added that Kenyan agents found a letter written by bombing conspirator Wadih al Hage to Ihab Ali on February 21, 1997, saying "he and his friends say hello to you;" and Ali sent a fax from an Orlando apartment to al Hage in Kenya on February 26, 1997: "in reply to the DR’s request [Dr. Muhammad Atef--al Qaeda military commander], please inform him that I am always ready to help out."

Within two days of the Ali revelations, in May 1999, Schneider told us she contacted and faxed copies of the AOL chat room containing significant intelligence corroborating her whistleblower allegations to the New York City Joint Anti-Terrorism Task Force, but also SAIC Alan Hazen at the Fort Lauderdale OIG.

Schneider then told us "the OIG quickly issued letters of exoneration to Dugas and Jarina. And at the July, 2000 Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) hearing regarding retaliation against me for my whistleblower allegations, Susan Dugas gave sworn testimony stating that she and Stella Jarina were questioned for 15-20 minutes about the bribery, and then she held up her complete OIG investigation report which contained one single paragraph."

Three days after faxing the FBI and the OIG copies of the AOL chatroom, whistleblower Schneider was suspended for 30 days without pay in June, 1999, which the MSPB judge later ruled in November, 2000 was an illegal retaliation for whistleblower activites, thus indicating that individuals in government agencies much higher up in authority did not want a bribery conspiracy linked to September 11 publicized--let alone investigated.

Schneider told us many of these activities appear to be ongoing, and as such, the adjudications officer’s allegations may indicate Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) practices which are similar in nature to an ongoing 9-11 RICO suit against various government officials--including the President, Vice-President, members of the cabinet and other high-ranking agency officials: Mariani vs. Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, et. al.

Government tracking Abad and Atta before attacks?

Bonnie Sharrit told Schneider that Lyazid Abad was associated with Osama bin Laden’s brother Khalil who lived in West Orange County, and that she knew Khalil had made inquiries prior to September 11 about how he could bring in other Arabs from Saudi Arabia and Brazil to attend a flight school in Daytona Beach.

According to her parents--who relayed the information to Mary Schneider, Christine Sharrit’s story could also be confirmed by officers from Secretary Donald Rumsfeld’s Department of Defense (DOD). The Criminal Investigations Division (DOD-CID) was so interested in Abad--the illegal Moroccan Muslim who lived with Atta, that they sought out his estranged wife Christine Sharrit in the Fall of 2001 just after the attacks on the World Trade Center while she was on military duty overseas.

While questioned, Sharrit said CID investigators showed her a photo of a Middle Eastern man and asked her whether she recognized him. Sharrit said he looked familiar as one of six or seven Arabs living in an apartment with Abad prior to their wedding in 1997. However, Sharrit was surprised when the investigators revealed the identity of the individual in the photo as Mohamed Atta--the generally acknowledged alleged leader of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Christine also told Mary Schneider that she was shocked to find out that the government knew so much more about her husband than she did--including his previous residences and the fact that he had engaged in bigamy with a fifth wife while still married to her--all of which she was unaware.

All this, while confirming that the government was well aware of Abad’s connections to Mohamed Atta and that they were likely tracking his movements in the days prior to the attacks--given that Sharrit was contacted so quickly after 9-11 about her husband Lyazid.

Khalil bin Laden linked to evidence of terrorism in Brazil’s Triple Border region?

Curiously, the Sharrits told Mary Schneider that their ex son-in-law, Lyazid Abad, claimed to them that he had at one time actually picked up Osama bin Laden’s brother [Khalil bin Laden], driven him down to and dropped him off in Miami, and returned to pick him up and then drove him over to Tampa. [Schneider sent this specific information about Khalil bin Laden to the FBI on May 17, 1999--over two years before the attacks.]

In the May 26 article, Sleeping With the Enemy, the Orlando chat room subsection referred to an individual named the "Manoman," who transported certain individuals around central Florida.

[Respected New York City 9-11 researcher Nico Haupt found that the Supreme Court of Bosnia Herzegovina granted access on March 6, 2003 to documents seized by the Bosnian police in March, 2002 at the Muslim Offices of Benevolence International Foundation (BIF) in Sarajevo. A French team of investigators received the documents which were part of a computer file titled "Tareekh Osama" or "Osama History" which included a list of the top-20 Saudi financial sponsors--the so-called "golden chain" of bin Laden financiers--and made them available on the internet. The documents confirmed another reason why the White House should have held Khalid bin Laden for grand jury interrogation: mentioned among the list of BIF-linked Saudi financiers of terrorism was Khalil bin Laden, a board member of United Gulf Industries Corporation--headquartered in the city of "Manama," Bahrain, leading to speculation that Lyazid Abad may have been Khalil bin Laden’s personal chauffeur -- the "Manoman" in the Orlando chat room. And both Bush 41 and Bush 43 have extensive past connections to the country of Bahrain--many of them financial.]

Chat rooms are typically used by terrorists to communicate. But thus far neither the Congressional Intelligence Committee nor the 9-11 Commission has mentioned anything about Khalil bin Laden and Lyazid Abad as pieces to the September 11 puzzle.

According to a German news report, seven weeks after the September 11 attacks Brazilian police placed Khalil bin Laden--brother of Osama, under investigation due to reports of his visit in September, 2001 to a province near the tri-border region of Brazil-Paraguay-Argentina--an area suspected as a site for Hezbollah terrorist training camps, according to Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA). (12-03-2002) The results of that investigation have not been publicly revealed. And the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee and 9-11 Commission have never mentioned Khalil or his ties to Triple Border's suspicious connections to terrorism.

"The region is the Hilton of Islamic extremism. It’s been on the radar since the early 90’s but no one’s done anything about it," said Magnus Ranstorp, director of the Centre for the study of Terrorism and Political Violence at the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland. (Vanity Fair, December, 2002)

Ranstorp added "the day after September 11, the CIA had a team of investigators [in Triple Border] there," continuing, "Brazilian authorities have intercepted numerous phone calls from clandestine telephone exchanges in Triple Border and Afghanistan [from cell phones in caves?] and last year a CNN reporter in Kabul found a large tourist poster from Triple Border at an al Qaeda safe house in Afghanistan."

According to U.S. cable television terrorism analyst and author of the Vanity Fair piece--Sebastian Junger, "Triple Border is now a thriving nexus of drugs, weapons, and money-laundering operations," adding "the Paraguayan consul [stationed] in Miami, Florida was recently arrested for allegedly selling a batch of 300 passports to foreigners--including terrorist suspects from the Middle East, who planned to move to Ciudad del Este, Paraguay."

Junger said "bank records show that a Lebanese businessman and shopping mall owner in Ciudad del Este named Assad Ahmad Mohamad Barakat....has transferred thousands of dollars to Hezbollah over the years," while Junger also revealed that "in [Barakat's Paraguay] office the police found scores of copies of an al Qaeda promotional video--providing yet more evidence that Khalil bin Laden’s links to terrorism allegations in Brazil should have been well worth exploring before the White House let him leave the U.S. after the attacks.

Vanity Fair and Junger said another Moroccan named Gueddan Abdel Fatah--incarcerated in Sao Paulo, handed a typed letter to attorney Edith Espinosa at the prison just six days before the September 11 attacks--and begged her to give it to the Federal Police in Brazil in the presence of U.S. Embassy and Israeli diplomatic officials.

In the letter, Fatah said "there were going to be ‘two explosions’ in the United States in the near future," but Espinosa neglected to pass the letter along, while Fatah said "he had gone to Triple Border the year before and had attended meetings at a mosque in Foz do Iguacu where Shiite and Sunni Muslims--ordinarily enemies--talked openly about ‘blowing up’ the United States."

DPA also reported that Brazilian officials were investigating Khalil’s numerous business connections in the area of the southwestern corner of Brazil as well as letters Khalil sent to a Brazilian psychologist--evidence that has apparently never reached either the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee or the 9-11 Commission, given Khalil’s connections to Lyazid Abad.

DPA also said Brazil has been investigating the movements of other unnamed Arab-origin citizens living in the Triple Border region while also having frozen the bank accounts of some who are suspected of being linked to terrorists. An Associated Press report from Sao Paulo, Brazil said Khalil is married to Brazilian Isabel Cristina Bayma, and is said to visit Brazil once per year.

A Japan Today / Kyodo News report out of Rio De Janeiro (3-31-2003) by Lenilson Ferreira said that on March 11, 2003 top-selling Brazilian weekly Veja published a cover-story about a reported Osama bin Laden visit to Triple Border’s massive Iguacu River falls in 1995--two years after the first World Trade Center bombing--where he reportedly spent three days meeting with members of the substantial local Arab community--some 30,000 strong, although this alone does not indicate Tri-Border is linked to international terror.

According to Veja, the local travel industry uses Osama as a tourist incentive: "When he is not blowing up the world, Osama bin Laden enjoys himself," says one ad displaying a long-bearded man wearing Arab clothes and lounging on a sofa, adding "If bin Laden risked his neck to visit Foz do Iguacu, it means it is worthwhile! Everybody wants to see us. Why haven’t you come yet?" asks the tourism campaign launched in 30 daily newspapers in Brazil, Argentina and Chile.

Veja also reported that terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed of Kuwait, third-ranking al-Qaeda leader--the infamous "KSM" of 9-11 Commission staff report fame--also visited Foz do Iguacu under a "tourist" visa, thus raising more serious questions about why the White House wants Lyazid Abad out of the United States without presenting him for grand jury interrogation--let alone why they released Khalid bin Laden.

However, despite evidence to the contrary, U.S. diplomats and officials with the Organization of American States have said repeatedly that they have seen no evidence of terrorist cells in the area. "It’s folklore," said Geraldo Pereira, Foz do Iguacu’s chief of police. (Washington Post, 4-04-2004)

But without a thorough investigation--in a situation similar to illegal Moroccan Muslim Lyazid Abad with his al-Qaeda / Mohamed Atta / 9-11 links who is being deported now--Khalil bin Laden was allowed to leave the United States from Boston Logan Airport on September 19--where the Atta originated the 9-11 attacks--courtesy of bin Laden family ties to the White House.

Massachusetts Port Authority’s Director, Virginia Buckingham, said in the Boston Globe: "My staff was told that a private jet was arriving at Logan from Saudi Arabia to pick up 14 members of Osama bin Laden’s family living in the Boston area," adding " 'Does the FBI know? Does the State Department know? Why are they letting these people go? Have they questioned them? This was ridiculous.' "

Whistleblower Retaliation

Schneider said she specifically contacted other key government officials before the September 11 attacks: Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS) Office of Internal Audit Director John Chase, The New York Joint Anti-Terrorism Task Force, INS Internal Audit Assistant Director Sue Armstrong on August 9, 2001, Ft. Lauderdale DOJ Office of the Inspector General Special Agent-in-Charge Alan Hazen six times, and Miami INS District Director Robert Wallis and Deputy District Director John Bulger on Nov. 1, 2000--less than a year before 9-11. Both have since been promoted despite failing to take action before the attacks.

Because she repeatedly alerted multiple federal officials, Miami U.S. attorney Guy Lewis and Congress about terrorist threats, Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Mary Schneider is currently being harassed, threatened with termination after 30 years federal service--but prior to pension benefits, issued unsatisfactory work evaluations based on trumped up allegations, had her official whistleblower status recently revoked by the courts, and had her Title VII civil rights violations lawsuit against Attorney General John Ashcroft dismissed just one day prior to jury selection in a manner similar to FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

Instead of promoting Schneider and giving her a raise for attempting to protect the American people, current congressional oversight permits the executive branch of govenment to commit what amounts to financial and emotional attrocities against a loyal and honorable federal employee.

Moreover, in reprisal and retaliation for exposing criminal conspiracies involving federal agencies and elected officials who allowed the facilitation of a terrorist cell support network in central Florida before the 9-11 attacks, the government is actively pursuing Schneider’s termination while also having suspended her salary twice for 30 days for refusing to tell the conspirators what she knows about their criminal activities.

Americans are paying taxes to support legislative, executive and judicial retaliation against an honest government worker attempting to expose fraudulent and criminal activites that helped lead to the deaths of 3,000 souls on 9-11--actions that high officials must out of necessity cover up at the risk of losing their own freedom, or worse, if a grand jury is ever impaneled.

Disclaimer by Mary Schneider: "I have never, nor do I now, represent or speak on behalf of any government agency of the United States or its policies. I am speaking as a private citizen who is highly concerned for our national security regarding extensive treasonous briberies and cover up conspiracies."
***Contact Mary Schneider: **********************************************
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