Sunday, January 28, 2007

Why Putin is under jewSS atack

Today, 10:39 AM

Posts: n/a

Because of the ongoing escalation of anti-Russian rhetoric both by the American press and President Bush, I have undertaken a short trip to Moscow to interview Russian leaders in an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the real policies of Russian President Vladimir Putin. I plan to write about this issue extensively and incorporate some of the research into my next book. Over the past few days I have met with members of the Duma, some nationalist newspaper editors, and some leaders of the Russian anti-globalist, nationalist community. I even put on my journalist cap and interviewed some of the Jewish publishers! Here is my personal analysis of the conflict that looms between the Anglo-American-Israel Axis and Putin's Russia.

President Vladimir Putin is no perfect man. He reached his political coming of age in the shadowy intelligence services of the old Soviet Union. In that milieu he learned the highest arts of any spy; subterfuge and camouflage. But in truth, the talents of deceit are honed to a much higher degree in the American political system than in any autocratic nation. In a nation where the government has some influence over media rather than being at the mercy of the unelected, self-appointed media elite, the public official can speak somewhat frankly.

Contrarily, a politician in the United States or Britain must be careful never to speak his mind honestly or he might find himself eviscerated by media which are always on the lookout for the slightest political incorrectness.

The Anglo-American politician must be judiciously careful not to say anything that could even be remotely construed as criticizing even the lowest echelons of Jewish power. For instance, look at the huge flap in London right now over the comments of the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, to an obnoxious Jewish reporter who was hounding him. For simply retorting to the reporter that he was acting like a concentration camp guard you would have thought Livingstone to be a friend of Hitler. The Jewish Board of Deputies and a score of Jewish columnists accused him of denying the realities of Jewish suffering and trivializing the Holocaust - all for simply criticizing a single Jewish reporter. Now they threaten to actually remove this man who was elected by the overwhelming majority of Londoners because of his trivial statement.

Of course one must understand, a Jewish reporter is in effect the enforcer of political correctness. He is the policeman and inquisitor of Jewish supremacism. To criticize one of them is equated in the minds of the media to assaulting a member of the police, the thought police.

Putin has committed a far greater crime in the minds of the Jewish media. He is Russian. A real Russian. Although he came to power with back door political manipulation and with the aid of some Jewish allies, underneath he has always had a Russian soul waiting for the chance to assert itself.

So he played the game. In some ways Stalin was his model. Although Stalin fit comfortably into the Jewish milieu of the early Bolshevik revolution with his Jewish wife and many Jewish friends, Stalin was Georgian and he always knew that he could never fit in with the coterie of Jews who upon Lenin's death circled like vultures around the Russian throne of power. Trotsky, Radek, Kamenov Sverdlov, they were all of the Hebrew cut. They never saw Stalin coming, after all, what could this one lone goy among them do to challenge them? When they finally saw the true face of this utterly ruthless man, it was too late.

The story is now legend, As the Jewish Bolsheviks fought it out ferociously among themselves for power, with Trotsky (Bronstein) as the leading contender, and since Stalin wasn't Jewish he was the one they felt was no real threat so that they could give some reins of police power. In fact, Stalin helped them literally eliminate each other and he ultimately emerged as the strong man. The purges of the 1920s and 30s eliminated many of the Jewish cliques that dominated the Bolshevik government. Stalin was careful not to completely purge all the Jews from the government and many powerful Jews remained in very important posts, one of the most prominent being Lazar Kaganovich. But Stalin began a policy of re-Russifying the Russian government, after all, he knew the war could not be fought and won without rekindling the Russian patriotic spirit. But he always kept at hand compliant Jews so that the world-wide Jewish love affair with the Soviet State would not be severed.

Some powerful and perceptive Jews in the United States saw the sea change occurring in Russia, and a process began that has ultimately culminated in the very weird reality of former Trotskyite communists, the neocons becoming the dominators of the American conservative movement! The one thing that mitigated early overseas Jewish opposition to Stalin was that they needed Stalin and Russia if they were to overcome what they considered the greatest threat to Jewish supremacism: National Socialist Germany.

The Bolsheviks had installed the Internationale as the national anthem. Stalin replaced it with an old Russian hymn. Advancement once again became based mostly on abilities and not Jewish tribal loyalties and connections. Russians rapidly advanced and occupied the leading the positions in the military and other government structures and by the end of the war the bulk of the Jewish power, although still far greater than their population percentage, was greatly diminished. Russians were motivated by appeals to protect Mother Russia rather than international worker solidarity. However, Russia was still crippled and saddled by the inept and corrupt system of Jewish communism, and although some improvements in Russian life occurred, this Marxist, flawed economic system could never give the Russian people either real freedom or prosperity.

Most mainstream Jewish sources now claim that Stalin planned a "final solution" to the Russian Jewish problem by the resettlement of the Jews into a their own republic, much like the Czarist Pale of Settlement created in earlier centuries. The same Jewish authorities actually boast in the idea, whether real or fanciful, that Stalin's Jewish doctors along with Lazar Kaganovich murdered Stalin on the very eve of his new pogrom. Kaganovich himself claimed to his nephew that he and his sister Rosa, a doctor, poisoned Stalin by switching Stalin's pills with ones that would cause a stroke. (From which he died)

When the Gentile communist Nikita Khruschev accused Kaganovich in 1957 at a Soviet Party Congress of having murdered 20 million Russians during his career, Kaganovich didn't even deny it. He only accused Khruschev of being a murderer too. "Your hands are blood-stained too," Kaganovich told him. Khruschev pointed out that the difference was that he, Khruschev, had merely followed Kaganovich's orders, while it had been Kaganovich who had formulated the policies of mass murder and had given the orders for carrying out those policies.

It is impossible that Vladimir Putin is not aware of all these things. Every knowledgeable Russian is aware of them. And with the fall of Communism and the new state that emerged, Jews reasserted their power as they not had since the time of Lenin and Trotsky. In the two years following the fall of the Soviet State, through international Jewish capital and massive bribery, threats, murder and gangsterism, Jews seized control of most of wealth of Russia in undoubtedly the greatest series of criminal thefts in the history of mankind.

The Jewish Oligarchs (10 of 11 of the most powerful were Jews) grabbed control of at least 65 percent of the wealth of Russia. The most politically active of the leading oligarchs was a vicious gangster and murderer named Boris Berezovsky. At one point Putin aligned with him in his quest for power. There was even an article in the Moscow Times newspaper about how Putin used to vacation in Berezovsky's summer house in Spain.

Berezovsky had risen under Boris Yeltsin as the head of National Security for Russia. But, a firestorm of justified anger broke out in Russia against him when it was learned that Berezovsky, the head of Russian security was also a citizen of Israel.

As Putin gained more and more power in the Russian hierarchy he began to assert himself and eventually broke with Berezovsky and Gusinsky and a number of the Jewish Oligarchs. Since that time their have been thousands of sympathetic articles about Berezovsky and Gusinsky and articles about the lawlessness of Putin for daring to prosecute these men. Recently, Berezovsky's biggest critic was gunned down on the streets of Moscow. Now this is the kind of man that the Jewish-dominated media loves!

Putin has not acted against all of the Oligarchs. He was too much of a cold war chess player to do that, but he went against any of them who tried to assert power over him, much like Stalin did decades earlier. Berezovsky and Gusinsky (the gangster Gusinsky who was head of the Russian Jewish Congress) are now Putin's most bitter enemies. No other leader in the western world would dare to go after such powerful Jewish supremacist.

The latest case is that of Michael Khodorkovsky of Yukos Oil. Through graft and corruption Khodorkovsky obtained billions of dollars of oil leases for a pittance in the mid-nineties. But as he amassed his incredible wealth he decided he had the right to determine the political fate of Russia. In fact, he had the chutzpah to boast of that fact he will buy the Russian Duma. Putin, feeling threatened, and rightfully so, questioned why a man who stole billions of dollars from the Russian people then would have the right to corrupt government the same way as he obtained his oil leases. Khodorkovsky and almost all of the principle stockholders of Yukos are not only Jews but are in fact Israeli citizens, and many of the major stockholders (criminals) are now hiding out in Israel with the blessing of the Israeli government.

Putin and his government initiated prosecutions of these Jewish supremacist gangsters that have committed the worst thievery in history.

The reaction from the Jewish-dominated press in America and around the world is quite predictable. There has been a crescendo of criticism of Putin and universal defense of the "persecuted" Jewish oligarchs. Putin has even been accused of "anti-Semitism" for prosecuting these criminals.

Because Putin believes that the Russian people should own the press rather than citizens of Israel, he is called an enemy of a free press. Yet, how can any press be free when it is controlled by a people who view themselves more Jewish than Russian and have their own clear international agenda? And today, as Bush calls for Russia to have a free press (translated: the Jewish criminal oligarchs such as Jewish mafia leader Berezovsky should control the press) they call on Russia to pass laws and prosecute Russians who dare to simply criticize the Jewish criminal oligarchs and the their allegiances to Israel and Jewish supremacism rather than to Russia and Russians.

Bush has even had the hypocrisy to criticize Putin for consolidating Russian federal power. In America the federal government literally spends one thousand times more money on the federal government than does Russia. As shocking as that might sound for most Americans to read, it is fact. America spends about 4 trillion on government; Russia spends less than 40 billion! And Bush has the chutzpah to talk about consolidation of power in Russia!

The American government has become the epitome of everything we once opposed. Russia is not communist any more, but the American government, under the domination of the Jewish neocons (who are former communists) acts more and more like the communists have acted for decades.

Bush criticizes Putin and Russian freedom while he works to take away American constitutional freedoms with the Patriot Act.

While the political mafia that controls America kept opposition candidates such as Ralph Nader off many state ballots, Russia had over 20 different parties on the ballot in their National elections.

In America where only two parties control almost the entire political landscape and there's hardly a dime's worth of difference, (such as on the Iraq War) Russia is represented by many parties in their Duma with a wide range of political philosophies and opinions.

Russians of every possible political opinion have representation in the Duma (Congress) while tens of millions of Americans have no voice at all in government for their political opinions. It is precisely why the American founding fathers rebelled against Britain: taxation without representation!

And in the midst of this concerted attack on Putin and Russia, where is the opposition to the still existent, extremely dangerous, still communist nation of China? Patrick Buchanan put it very well in a recent article:
Why are McCain and Lieberman bullyragging Russia but not China? After all, Putin was elected, but Hu Jintao was not. Russia has an elected legislature with opposition parties. China has never held a free election. The Russian people have freedom of religion. China persecutes Christians. Russia threatens no U.S. ally. China threatens Taiwan. In a recent issue of Parade, a list was drawn up of the world's 10 worst dictators based on their human rights violations. Hu Jintao was fourth from the top. Putin was not even mentioned.

There is only one reason for the attacks upon Putin and Russia. Putin and the Russian people dare to defend themselves from the powers of Jewish supremacism. The oligarchs and the Zionists want total supremacy over the Russian nation, and that's why they have made Putin a target. Their puppet George Bush, just as in the Iraq war, is happy to serve these masters of the American political landscape. It is not just leaders of AIPAC that are being investigated for spying who should wear the yellow coat of treason, George Bush has surrendered his presidency completely to this foreign power and shames every real American who has pride in our country.
The truth is that Putin in attempting to defend Russia from the power of the Jewish supremacists - is in effect, defending all Americans, and all people everywhere who cherish their freedom and heritage. He is Russian rather than American, but his heritage is far closer to the American people and our interests than the Jewish supremacist misanthropists.

The biggest roadblock to the New World Order and a sublimation of America and Europe to Jewish-supremacist globalism is Vladimir Putin .

As important a figure Putin is for every freedom-loving Russian, he is just as important to those who love freedom in the United States of America, in Britain and all over the European world

Stalin Intended to Strike Hitler First

January 27, 2007

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
"He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future." --George Orwell
Most people think the Nazis turned on a trusted ally June 22, 1941 when they launched "Operation Barbarossa." In fact, Stalin began planning to attack Hitler almost as soon as the ink dried on their non-aggression pact August 23, 1939.
The Nazi's "Operation Barbarossa" anticipated the Soviets by only "a few weeks" says Heinz Magenheimer, one of Austria's most respected military historians.
"The Wehrmacht thrust right into the center of an overpowering offensive deployment with armored and motorized troops massed on the borders." ("Hitler's War: Germany's Key Strategic Decisions 1940-1945, 1997, p.63)
Stalin told military academy graduates May 5, 1941: "And now after we have become strong... we must shift from the defensive to the attack." He had nine million men, 38,000 tanks and 22,200 aircraft and expected to be in control of Berlin and most of Europe by 1942.
After the invasion, Hitler realized Stalin had intended to stab him in the back while he was occupied in the West, (possibly in England). Churchill and Stalin, both Freemasons, had a secret pact all along. Just read (Soviet ambassador to London) Ivan Maisky's "Memoirs" to see how chummy the British and Russians were even while the latter were in bed with Hitler.
(Evidence of a secret Churchill-Stalin pact was found on board a British plane that crashed in Finland en route to Russia. The Oct. 2005 Finnish report is no longer available on the Liberty Forum site where I saw it. )
Hitler was double-crossed by Stalin and Churchill. As the Russian campaign went sour, did Hitler take revenge on Jews? Extermination did not start until 1942 when Hitler said: "This war will not turn out the way the Jews imagine it, that is with the extermination of the European Aryan peoples, but that the result of this war will be the destruction of Jewry." (Dwork, Holocaust: A History, p. 284)
Stalin's price for continued collaboration amounted to blackmail. At a Nov. 1940 Berlin Conference, Molotov demanded large parts of the Balkans, the Turkish straits, Bulgaria and Western Poland. (47)
Magenheimer says that "Operation Barbarossa" was "decisively influenced" by this aggressive Soviet posture. Stalin's demands "were not only unacceptable to Germany" but reinforced "the impression that Moscow posed a long-term threat." Germany gave up on attempts to bring the USSR into a "continental bloc" against Great Britain.
Magenheimer suggests that Hitler's final decision to attack Russia was prompted by Russian support of an anti-Nazi military coup in Yugoslavia in March 1941. Clearly Stalin was fishing in Hitler's pond.
In 1939, Stalin planned to build a "Polish Red Army of Liberation" from the ranks of Polish POWS. They were to liberate Poland from the Nazis and provide the nucleus of a Communist regime. He overestimated the power of brainwashing. The Poles refused to cooperate and that's why roughly 15,000 officers were shot at Katyn Forest and elsewhere in April-June 1940.
If Stalin was prepared to attack Europe, why did he passively endure Hitler's devastating invasion? He had plenty of warning yet didn't launch a preemptive attack as his generals advised. He threatened to shoot anyone who took precautionary measures that Hitler could claim were provocations, and insisted Hitler wouldn't start a two-front war.
If we believe FDR's dictum that nothing in history happens by accident, were the massive Russian loses (20 million dead) and extended Nazi supply lines part of some secret plan?
In 1990, Viktor Suvorov revealed Stalin's plans in his book "Icebreaker" but he was considered a maverick. Using post-Glasnost archival material and research, Magenheimer later confirmed that Suvorov was indeed right.
We don't hear that Stalin intended to displace Nazis hegemony with his own because "Uncle Joe" was our ally, and Communism was a dialectical model for the New World Order.
History is a form of brainwashing. The programming calls for Hitler to be a homicidal maniac intent on eradicating all Jews and taking over the world. Thus Hitler's stigma can be transferred to anyone who opposes Zionist power and control: nationalists, racialists, religious, Palestinians become identified with "Islamo Fascists." Thus we are primed for the next world war.
A view that shows the Masonic Money Power (that controlled England, the US and USSR) conspiring to destroy Germany; and Germany possibly using Jewish genocide in revenge, interferes with this programming.
When International Jewry "declared war" on Nazi Germany in 1933, they didn't consider half a million German Jews who would immediately become prisoners of war. Eventually most European Jews became hostages and pawns.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn's book about the Jewish role in the Bolshevik Revolution and after, "Two Hundred Years Together" (2003) also interferes with holocaust mind control. It documents the disproportionate role ethnic Jews played in the Russian Revolution and subsequent genocide of 66 million Russians under Lenin and Stalin.
A measure of our mind control: This work by a Nobel Prize winning author, a best seller in Russia has not been translated into English. Thus we must learn from Wolfgang Strauss, a reviewer of the German edition that Solzhenitsyn explained Russian anti-Semitism by citing the newspapers of the day. The ‘Jew Bolsheviks’ had captured and occupied the Soviet State; they were in the top ranks of the Red Army. Soviet power had been converted into Jewish power, and the Jews pursued Jewish, not Russian goals. (p. 201)
"Solzhenitsyn states that Lenin had three reasons for elevating young secular, revolutionary-minded Jews to the State’s elite, in effect replacing the Tsarist bureaucracy. First, because of the deadly hate the young Jews had for Russian traditions, religious rites, historical models, hate for everything Russian and Russia itself. Second, their willingness to cross the last taboo borders in morality. And third, their readiness to physically liquidate the enemy."
Stalin put Jews in charge of some of his nastiest work, and then catered to popular sentiment by liquidating them. "Such was the case in the murderous collectivization program in 1928-1933 to which the names of prominent ‘Jew Bolsheviks’ were attached. Stalin was well aware of the hate city Jews had for everything related to the Russian and Ukrainian peasantry. They spread terror, killing the peasants and destroying the villages, eventually causing the famine that took the lives of at least six million Ukrainians. The Jewish commissars in charge of the anti-kulak program, which was tantamount to genocide, were literally the masters over life and death."
Thus, while many Jews such as my grandparents were innocent victims of Nazi terror, Bolshevik Jews were perpetrators of terror. This acknowledgement would interfere with the "guilt trip" (anti-Semitism) used to advance the Zionist agenda (and keep Jews in line.) How dare Zionists accuse political opponents of "hate"? How disingenuous and juvenile.
Our era resembles the 1930's when people lived in constant dread of an upcoming world war. War was very unpopular in 1939 but our misleaders managed to engineer one anyway.The US cannot win a conventional war in the Middle East and is planning a nuclear one.
The pieces are all in place for speedy escalation. An "Iranian" attack on a US ship; an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities; an "Iranian" (terrorist nuclear?) attack on Israeli or American cities; the imposition of martial law and dictatorship in the US. Who believes Bush and Cheney aren't capable of this?
Frankly I am depressed by the prospect. Setting the historical record straight is one way I have of responding.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


January 15th, 2007
We’re surprised and gratified by everyone’s response.
When we said readership had dropped close to zero, we meant a trend, not a single-day phenomenon. However, since so many people expressed support, we’ll go on. Thanks to all of you.
We can’t do a proper post right now, but we will share this . . .
Today we heard a rabbi say on TV, “It’s unfortunate that people didn’t take Mein Kampf seriously. Hitler’s entire plan was right there.”
Yeah? Well, it’s also unfortunate that people don’t take the Jewish Old Testament seriously. The Jews’ entire plan is right there.
Genesis, for example, reveals how Jews gain control of a nation by following a standard pattern: (1) Enter as friends (2) “Help” the ruler by establishing central control (3) Crash the economy (4) Buy everything for a song (5) Rule as gods.
Genesis 41 says the Pharaoh of Egypt had a dream, and asked a Jew named Joseph to interpret it. The Jew told Pharaoh that Egypt would have seven years of plenty, and seven years of famine. The Jew said grain should be stored, and its control centralized. So the Pharaoh put the Joseph in charge of grain and everything else in Egypt. All Egypt had to bow before this Jew. (Genesis 41:41) Joseph predicted seven years of plenty, during which he would tax everyone and store up grain, followed by seven years of famine, which Joseph planned to cause.
Joseph was put in charge because he gave the Gentile ruler an idiotic interpretation of a dream. The same thing happened in 1913 when Jews gave the Gentile ruler (President Wilson) an idiotic interpretation of economics. Wilson allowed the Jews to create an income tax, plus “centralized granaries” in the form of the U.S. Federal Reserve. Today, Jews continue to own and operate the “centralized granaries.” They can close the door of the granary (the money supply) any time they like, cause a depression, and buy everything for pennies. They engineered a crash in Germany after World War I, and bought everything for a song. Jews did the same thing in Russia after the USSR collapsed.
When the granaries and food stores were full, Joseph shut down the food supply and brought famine to the land, but made sure the Pharaoh and top-ranking nobles had enough to eat, so they wouldn’t squawk. Thus, top-ranking Gentiles relaxed and enjoyed themselves, while all other Gentiles below them began to starve. In this way the Jew gained personal control of all Egypt’s wealth. The nobles didn’t mind, since they were taken care of, and the Jew only wanted to “help.”
Any non-noble Gentile who wanted food had to buy it from Joseph. The famine extended to other lands, such as Canaan. Joseph increased the price of food so high that Gentiles had to give Joseph all their money, then all their cattle, and all their land for a piece of bread (Genesis 47). Finally they had to sell themselves into slavery so they could eat. Joseph owned them all. Meanwhile he would not allow any plowing or reaping, since “God” had willed a famine. And the stupid Pharaoh went along with the whole thing. Joseph became wealthy beyond measure. Only the Gentile nobility was allowed to keep their land and their wealth. (Genesis 47:22).
After Joseph got total control, Jews swarmed into Egypt and occupied the capitol of Goshen. Joseph, seeing the misery he had caused the Gentiles, “wept a good while” for joy. (Genesis 46:7). And he said to his fellow Jews, “Ye shall eat the fat of the land,” and “the good of all the land of Egypt is yours.” (Genesis 45:18,20)
Joseph allowed the Pharaoh to remain on the throne as a means to conceal Jewish control. Jews do this in most countries. They allow a Gentile (or sometimes a half-Jew) to sit on the throne, or in the White House, etc. while Jews sit behind the throne and avoid political problems. Rulers come and go, but the Jews remain.
Reading on, we learn that Joseph lived for 110 years before he finally croaked. The Pharaoh also died, and his son took over. The new Pharaoh became worried about the vast number of Jews infesting Egypt. (The Jews had probably manipulated the previous Pharaoh into passing laws that exempted Jews from military service. Jews do this in all countries they control. Even in Israel today, everyone is supposed to do a mandatory two years’ military service, but rich families buy their way out of this. The shortage is so severe that Israel is now drafting Arabs into its army, including Arab women.)
The new Pharaoh started to make changes, so the Jews started to rebel. The Pharaoh realized that if an enemy nation attacked Egypt, the Jews would support the attacker as a means to regain control of Egypt. Then Gentiles would once again starve. (Exodus 1:6-10).
So, like Vladimir Putin in Russia, the Pharaoh started to break the Jewish stranglehold piece by piece. He was not anrti-Jewish. He was worried about the country’s economic future. He ordered the Jews to do manual labor like everyone else. He ordered them into military service. He ordered them pay taxes. Worst of all, he declared that Jews were not special.
The Jews were accustomed to being the masters, with Egyptian commoners as slaves. Naturally they screamed that they were “victims,” just as the Jewish oligarchs screamed that they were “victims” when they were removed from Russia.
And so the “Chosen People” of Egypt did what they always do when they are booted out of power: they changed from fascists to Communists. (We shall define a “Communist” as someone who preaches equality in order to overthrow a government so he can grab power for himself above all others.) When Putin kicked the Jewish oligarchs out of Russia, the oligarchs screamed that Putin was trampling the rights of all Russians, which the Jewish oligarchs had enslaved. Back in Egypt, the Jews told the lower Gentile classes, whom the Jews had also enslaved, “The first born (i.e. Egyptian nobility) are trampling your rights!”
The Jews hired death squads to assassinate Egypt’s nobility and royalists. “Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, to the firstborn son of the slave girl, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.” (Exodus 11:4) (Only Jews attack animals as well as humans, since, after all, the “Lord wills it.”) Jewish houses were marked so the death squads would “pass over” them. This happened many times in history. In 1871, Communists rampaged through Paris, but spared Jewish houses, which were marked. Before World War II, Communists rampaged in Munich, Germany, but again spared Jewish houses, which again were marked. Surely the same thing happened when the Bolsheviks took power in Russia. Jewish houses were probably marked with a “sign” known only to the death squads and to God (i.e., the Jewish lords).
The Jews gained control of Russia in 1917, but that did not happen in ancient Egypt. “At midnight the Lord (i.e., Jewish assassins) struck down all the firstborn in Egypt.” (Exodus 12:29). As Pharaoh’s loyalists moved to retaliate, 600,000 Jews fled Egypt in great haste, taking all the stolen loot they could carry. They were accompanied by Gentile agitators from Egypt’s lower class, which Exodus refers to as “other multitudes.” We shall call them, “Egyptian Bolsheviks.” Pharaoh’s soldiers, plus Egyptian loyalists, pursued the murderous Jews into the desert. Then the Jewish Old Testament spouts total nonsense about the “Lord” parting the Red Sea, and so on. At all times in the Old Testament, the “Lord” means edicts from militant rabbis.
Naturally the Old Testament twists all this around, so the murderous Jews look like victims. It claims that Jews were slaves, and that Jehovah “freed” them from Egypt, and blah blah blah. The “plagues,” if they existed, were Jewish attempts to spread panic as a means to destabilize the Egyptian royalists. If Moses existed, he was probably a high-ranking Jew who preached sedition, and had to flee with the others. Today, most people still think Hebrew slaves built the pyramids, even though archaeologists have debunked this nonsense. They believe the Ten Commandments movie by Cecil B. DeMille (who was a Jew, despite his Italian-sounding name).
Perhaps there are records of all this from ancient Egypt, but it wouldn’t matter, since Jews speak “the word of God,” and are incapable of lying. We know this because any attempt to expose Jewish lies is “anti-Semitic.” Gentiles, of course, tell nothing but lies.
So much for nation of Egypt. What about when the Jews want to topple an empire like Russia, or Rome? In that case they wait for a social movement that looks like it might go somewhere. Any movement will do. Jews attach themselves to it like bugs riding a wave, and twist the movement into a call to subvert the empire.
Consider the militant Jew named Schaul, who changed his named to Saulus, which was more Roman-sounding, so he could move about freely. (When Jews are out of power, they adopt Gentile names. When they are in power, they flaunt their Jewish names. Today, Americans are finding it harder and harder to get decent jobs, or get admission to a top university, unless they have Jewish names.) Then Saulus went around attacking Christians, perhaps even murdering them.
When Saulus realized that Christianity was gaining a foothold, and could be used to topple the Roman Empire, he infiltrated the movement and changed his name to Paul. Then he went straight to the Gentiles (Greeks and Romans), even though Jesus commanded his followers to go straight to the Jews, since Jews were the most Satanic of all peoples. “Go not to the Gentiles, but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:5-6)
Paul went to Rome and preached that all men are equal, all titles are evil, everyone is a victim of the nobility, and so on. “Workers unite!” he said. Jews had a lot of power in Rome at that time, and only a Jew could have had the freedom and the audacity to stand in the middle of Rome and expound a political doctrine that would destroy the Empire. This was not a slave uprising like Spartacus (died 73 BC). Paul spoke to Roman commoners. Wealthy Jews probably financed his speeches and travels.
Finally the Roman nobility reacted by throwing Paul’s followers into the Coliseum for sedition. This had nothing to do with religious beliefs. Many of Paul’s followers were probably Jews, and remained Jews. In the real world, nobody cares about your religious beliefs. People care about political power. Only when people lose power do they claim to be persecuted for their religious beliefs. (The only exception is when religion is specifically opposed to individuals who rule a government.) Did Jesus ever preach the overthrow of the Roman Empire? No, he told his followers that the Gentiles weren’t the ones to preach to.
Jesus’ teachings were so simple that even a child could understand them, but Paul told Rome’s poor that they needed Paul to “interpret” Jesus’ words. This is why there’s a difference between the first four books of the New Testament and “Pauline” Christianity. One was a profound mystical doctrine by Jesus, who even Muslims revere. The other was crypto-Communism (“All men are equal, until I get power over all men.”)
So, yes, the Jewish plan is right there in the Bible, as surely as Hitler’s beliefs were in Mein Kampf.
Speaking of the Bible, what about this apparent contradiction where Jesus said, “Turn the other cheek,” and then attacked the moneychangers in the temple? What gives?
Answer: when Jesus said, “Love your enemy,” he meant an enemy who is frank and forthright in his enmity, not someone who exploits you, and then cries “anti-Semitism” when he is caught. Jesus had no tolerance for such people. He knew that the “religion” of the Jewish moneychanger is seductive and deadly.
If a person has friction with another, and he tries to understand the other person’s perspective, and apologizes, it relieves a lot of tension. This NEVER works with militant Jews. Decades of Gentile support and understanding have made Israel worse than ever. When people say, “We respect the rights of both Jews and Palestinians,” Jews become enraged. Consider Russia. By all accounts, Tsar Nicholas II was a humane man who tried to launch multiple reforms for the benefit of common Russians. This made the Jewish Bolsheviks hate Nicholas all the more.
Jesus never “turned the other cheek” for the Jewish Pharisees, and seemed to doubt they were even human. He called them the children of Satan (in Islam, Satan, or al-Chaitan is “the deceiver”). “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it (John 8:44).
When the Anti-Defamation League (Pharisees) heard that Jesus raised Lazarus from death, they decided to liquidate both Jesus and Lazarus immediately. Naturally they had Gentiles (Romans) do the dirty work. Later they had Gentiles do the dirty work of the Crusades, which was an attempt to wrest control of eastern resources and trade routes from Muslim powers. Surely Jewish bankers financed the Crusades. At one point, a German Lord, the Hohenstaufen, Frederick II, secured the Holy Land for Christendom through negotiation, without striking a blow. So the curia of the church, controlled by Jews, excommunicated Frederick and refused to recognize his treaty with the Sultan, thus neutralizing Frederick’s great success.
Always the goal is to keep the Gentiles fighting among themselves. “I will stir up Egyptian against Egyptian. Brother will fight against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will bring their plans to nothing.” (Isaiah 19:2-3).
Militant Jews are nothing without war and divisiveness. Of course, they let the Goyim do the dying. Did any Jews die during the Crusades? “We tolerate no Jews among us,” said the German writer Goethe. “Their religion permits them to rob non-Jews. This crafty race has one great principle: as long as order prevails, there is nothing to be gained.”
Did five percent of the Russian population (Jews) murder tens of millions of Russians after the Bolsheviks took power? No, Jews got Gentiles to do the dirty work. It is always so. Today the Jews are preparing to have Gentiles do the dirty work of attacking Iran.
Thomas Aquinas, the great father of the Catholic Church, used a sailing ship as an analogy when he spoke of Jews. While the Christians are occupied with sailing the ship, the Jews plunder the storeroom and bore holes in the hull.
What militant Jews cannot destroy, they infiltrate, and then twist. Consider Martin Luther, who defended Jews at first, but ended up despising them. Jews have always praised Luther as the enemy of Rome. Had Luther realized his error earlier, he would not have attacked Catholicism. Instead, he would have attacked the Jews that controlled Catholicism. For example, Luther condemned the Papal policy of selling indulgences, which had Jewish fingerprints all over it.
After Luther woke up, he urged Germans to burn the synagogues and Jewish schools, and to heap earth on the remains, “So that no man would ever again see one stone or cinder of them. We dared not protect these buildings wherein they slander, curse, spit on, and revile both Christ and us. Some may feel that my judgment is too harsh. If anything, it is too lenient, for I have seen their writings.” (Luther, Von den Juden und ihren Lügen.)
And yet, militant Jews continue to love this guy. The German Jewish poet Heine begins a hymn to Luther with the words, “Luther, you dear man…” Reason: Luther’s Reformation triggered the Thirty Years’ War, which made Jews rich, and killed a lot of Goyim.
The Russian writer Dostoevsky spent five years in a Siberian prison in Omsk (1849-1854) and lived with all kinds of convicts, including several Jews. From 1876-1880 he kept a journal that was later published as An Author’s Diary. In it he noted that wherever he went, Russians treated Jews kindly, but Jews treated Russians with scorn, and didn’t want to eat with them. Jews always looked down on Russians. Russians naively assumed it was all part of the Jewish “religion,” but Dostoevsky felt that religion does not determine a people’s character. Rather, a people’s character determines their religion.
In his diary, Dostoevsky feared what would happen if the Jews ever got the upper hand in Russia. Would Gentiles have the same rights as Jews? Would Gentiles be allowed to pray as they liked? Or would Jews destroy churches, and exterminate Gentiles, as Jews have done elsewhere through history? Today we know the answer. The Bolsheviks even renamed Russian cities after Jews. Petrograd became Leningrad, Ekaterinburg (where the Tzar and his family were massacred) became Sverdlovsk, and so on. Kuibyshev, Frunze, Kalinin, and Gorky were all named after Jewish butchers. Meanwhile “anti-Semitism” was punishable by death. For Gentiles, life under Jewish control is always a nightmare.
These creeps are ruthless. Gentile kings are no match for them. The Romanov family was directly related to King George V of England (first cousins) and asked for the King’s help to escape. The King of England said yes, but broke his promise after Jewish bankers shut him down.
So many lies and distortions, all in favor of Jews. Today we saw a History Channel program that lauded Cyrus the Great of ancient Persia because he “freed the Jews” and gave them permission to return to Palestine from their so-called Babylonian captivity. The History Channel failed to mention that very few Jews left Babylonia, since they had become fabulously wealthy there.
Then there’s the holocaust reparations: Jewish lawyers got billions out of Swiss banks, and stole most of the money for themselves in the late 1990s, giving very little of it to the “holocaust survivors.” While the lawyers worked on getting the loot, they claimed to be working for free, and were praised by Jews. When the Swiss and the Germans started paying, the Jewish lawyers suddenly demanded millions of dollars in fees. It was a billion-dollar rip-off. You can read all about it on Norman Finkelstein’s web site. What kind of people are these?
In nation after nation, people have been kind to Jews, only to be betrayed. It’s a blindness that we shall call the “Goy disease.” Who can explain it? When an astronomer’s calculations don’t add up, he can compute the presence of an invisible planet. When a historian’s explanations don’t add up, he invents wild theories to conceal the Jewish role.
Notions about the “Illuminati” and so forth are more Goy disease. “Conspiracy theorists” refuse to see the presence of Jewish financing in key events. Maybe they prefer to have mysterious critters running the show – critters that remain interesting because they can never be fully exposed. Or maybe they think reality is too depressing. Or maybe they’re so brainwashed by Jewish lies that they are in a trance. Most books about the Bolshevik Revolution don’t mention that it was a Jewish plot. That’s the Goy disease. Without it, Jews would be finished. Some Gentiles think Jews succeed because Jews are smarter than other people. Again that’s the Goy disease. It is a slave mentality. It’s a way of saying that Jews deserve power, and Gentiles deserve to be enslaved. Germans said the same thing after World War I. They lived in agonizing shame, and the Jewish-owned newspapers never let them forget it.
What will happen if the economy collapses and Americans become hungry? Will Americans revolt when they see that Jews own everything? No, we think the situation will be like Weimar Germany. Germans were hungry, but they did not revolt, even though they knew the Jews had exploited the aftermath of World War I to steal everything. Many Germans saw their life savings disappear, eaten up by inflation caused by Jewish bankers. Still they did not revolt. Hitler traveled Germany, sometimes making five speeches a day, but still the Gentile ruling class opposed him, since no one wanted to take risks. Meanwhile, Communists (financed by Jews) were active in most cities.
Then in the late 1920s, Hitler got the support of two wealthy Gentile industrialists: Emil Kirdorf, and Fritz Thyssen. That was the key. People at the top became involved. In South America, for example, all attempts at reform failed until Hugo Chavez came along. Chavez has so much oil money that the Jews can’t buy him. Now at last, real changes are starting to happen. Of course, Venezuela will have to be invaded.
Jews depict Hitler as a monster that went around preaching war and hate from the very start. Does that make sense to you? Germans were demoralized. They were terrified of war. They wanted optimism and conciliation. No individual can come from nowhere and become famous by spreading hate. Great leaders make people believe that the people can succeed.
But even this was not enough. The Jews themselves finally pushed Germany over the edge. Their arrogance, their boycotts, their Communism, and so on created Hitler. Imagine trying to be nice to a Jew, and the nicer you are, the more the Jews cry, “anti-Semitism!” In this way Jews create anti-Jewish feeling.
Thus, the ultimate cure for the Goy disease lies Jewish arrogance and stupidity. They push and push until Gentiles can take no more. And still they keep pushing. Each time the Jew screams, “anti-Semitism,” it makes Gentiles less tolerant. And still the Jew screams. Back in Exodus 11:10, we read that the “Lord (i.e., Jewish arrogance) hardened Pharaoh’s heart.” Now we see how this was done. (To repeat, “the Lord” means militant Jewish rabbis.)
There is no other way for the militant Jew; he must act thus. His nature compels him to destroy, even though he dimly realizes that he must thereby destroy himself. He knows his existence depends upon that of his victims. He is a parasite, contingent upon his host, and therefore suffers from “dependence resentment.” What drives him is “anti-Semitism,” which he cannot live without, since “anti-Semitism” means attention. As long as there is “anti-Semitism,” the Jew matters. If he pauses to look at a mirror, he encounters his own nothingness, which he cannot tolerate. Vulgarity, war, and arrogance are “revenge” against others for being human. The militant Jew is not human, and never can be, and he knows it. Like any parasite, he will always be a contingent entity.
From childhood the Jew is told that he is better than all others, and hated by all others. Are Gentile children told this? Are they told, “The Jew is your enemy”? No, they are not. They are indifferent toward Jews. This is their ultimate “crime.” If the Jew cannot get Gentile worship, he will get Gentile hatred, and Gentile enslavement though debt. Anything to get attention. He is furious that other people have their own lives. Don’t they realize that Jews are the “chosen people”? The Jew is a Woody Allen type who will destroy the world because no woman will grovel before his hideous majesty.
At the core of the militant Jew’s arrogance are envy and self-loathing. He does not know reason. He does not know love. He does not know humility. He does not know God. He is incomplete, a partial being, insane and enraged. Anything beautiful reminds him of what he is inside. He is the embodiment of the darkness in us all, which most of us seek to rise above. He is cursed by his own hand, and seeks to drag everyone down with him.
Is he not Satanic?