Monday, May 01, 2006

The "Ugly" Cause of World War Two

April 28, 2006

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Josslyn Victor Hay, 22nd Earl of Erroll, a prominent British colonial politician, knew the real cause of the Second World War and had the stature to be heard.
Winston Churchill ordered the Secret Service ( Special Operations Executive) to kill him. What "ugly" secret would make the British government kill a British citizen and pass it off as an unsolved murder?
Significantly the conspirators chose the codename "Operation Highland Clearance" for Erroll's murder. The brutal eviction of Scottish tenants from their farms in the early 1800's is a fitting symbol for the dispossession of the human race by the New World Order, which the Second World War did so much to advance.
The popular version of the murder is depicted in the 1987 movie "White Mischief" starring Charles Dance as Lord Erroll and Greta Scacchi as Diana Broughton.
Erroll's body was found in the early morning Jan. 24, 1941 kneeling in the front passenger foot well of his car with a bullet wound behind the ear, murdered execution style. Erroll, a widower was having an affair with a married woman Diana Broughton and had dropped her at her home nearby after midnight. Suspicion was cast on Diana's much older husband Sir Henry Broughton, who was tried but acquitted. The murder, which took place in Nairobi Kenya, was portrayed in terms of the decadence of white settlers far from the London Blitz.
The murder would have remained unsolved but for a retired SOE insider who, informed of a terminal disease, gave the information to a colleague Tony Trafford who composed a 100-page memo. Trafford, since deceased, gave it to an author, coincidentally named Errol Trzebinski who was writing "The Life and Death of Lord Erroll: The Truth Behind the Happy Valley Murder" (2000).
At 6 foot 2" with chiselled Nordic looks, Lord Erroll was a natural leader, heir to an ancient Scottish lineage, organized and intelligent, an excellent speaker with a photographic memory. A member of the Kenyan colonial legislature, he held the post of Military Secretary with important military and intelligence duties.
"Operation Highland Clearance" involved more than 100 people. In the early stages of the war, why did the Churchill government have to silence this man forever?
Essentially Hitler was not interested in a world war. His design was to conquer the USSR in a loose "Nordic" alliance with England. Erroll belonged to the "Cliveden Set" a powerful section of the British elite that supported this alliance.
Churchill's backers, the privately owned Bank of England funded Hitler as a means to intimidate Stalin, destroy Germany and have a world war. War enables them to concentrate power and wealth in their hands and slaughter national elites who might interfere with their plan for world dictatorship.
They used the Cliveden types to fool Hitler into thinking England approved of his plans. Like proud proteges, the Nazis entertained the English and gave them information on their military build-up. The Nazis were set up. This is the real meaning of the "Policy of Appeasement."
When Hitler realized he had been double-crossed, he may have taken his revenge on the Jews.
The Cliveden Set divided into two groups, those who were aware of the trap, and those who were not. Erroll was one of latter who sincerely believed Hitler represented a bulwark to Communism. When the war broke out, Erroll did his patriotic duty. But he knew too much. He was aware of how the Crown bankers had used Hitler and he spoke of it within range of MI-5 assets.
Errol's father, Victor Hay, was the British High Commissioner in the Rhineland. At age 20, Errol was the private secretary to the British Ambassador in Berlin. He spoke German and French fluently, knew the Prince of Wales, and was part of the European aristocracy.
His diplomatic career hit the rocks in 1924 when he married a twice-divorced woman eight years his senior. He followed her to Kenya where she had a large estate won in a divorce settlement. They had a daughter.
Erroll visited England and kept in touch. He joined Oswald Moseley's Fascist party but later quit. He was a close friend with the Duke of Hamilton who was a linch pin in the Bank of England's plan.
In May 1941, three months after Errol's death, Rudolf Hess, the Deputy Fuhrer, flew to Scotland to present Hamilton with a generous peace proposal. Both men were homosexuals. Hess was Hitler's homosexual lover in the Landsberg Prison and helped him compose "Mein Kampf." Hess may have been Hamilton's lover. Certainly Hamilton had an affair with Albrecht Haushofer, the son of Hess' mentor Karl Haushofer, who originated the concept of lebensraum.
( See the book by Kevin Abrams & Scott Lively, "The Pink Swastika", online Chapter "Homo-Occultism")
Hitler was created by a largely homosexual occult secret society that spanned British and Nazi elites. This was called the Thule Society in Germany and the Order of the Golden Dawn in England. Winston Churchill, a Druid, was part of this occult scene. (He was also a friend of Edward VIII, considered a Nazi sympathizer.) But the Nazis branch was not aware of the hidden English agenda. Erroll was silenced because he was an opponent of Communism, and could discredit Churchill and the British war effort.

Douglas Douglas-Hamilton, the son of 13th Duke of Hamilton, was born in 1903. Douglas Hamilton became the 14th Duke of Hamilton when his father died in 1940.
Hamilton was sympathetic to groups like the Nordic League and the Right Club. He was a regular visitor to Germany and in 1936 met Rudolf Hess and other leaders of the Nazi Party. This activity was monitored by MI5 and it was reported that he had "many Nazi contacts in this country". This included Archibald Ramsay, Lord Redesdale, 5th Duke of Wellington, Duke of Westminster and the Marquess of Graham.
In September, 1940, Albrecht Haushofer, a close friend of Adolf Hitler, wrote to Hamilton: "You... may find some significance in the fact that I am able to ask you whether you could find time to have a talk to me somewhere on the outskirts of Europe, perhaps in Portugal." Haushofer also refered to people who the German government believed wanted an "German-English agreement." This included Samuel Hoare and Rab Butler.
The letter was intercepted by MI5 and Hamilton was persuaded to work as a double-agent. Hamilton agreed to go to Lisbon to meet Haushofer. Colonel Tar Robertson, head of MI5's double agent section, wrote in April 1941: "Hamilton at the beginning of the war and still is a member of the community which sincerely believes that Great Britain will be willing to make peace with Germany provided the present regime in Germany were superseded by some reasonable form of government... He is a slow-witted man, but at the same time he gets there in the end; and I feel that if he is properly schooled before leaving for Lisbon he could do a very useful job of work."
Robertson wanted Hamilton to extract "a good deal of information from Haushofer about how Germany is weathering the war". Another MI5 agent wrote that "presumably one fine day we shall be willing to listen to peace moves and I see no reason why we should not get advance knowledge if possible." However, before Hamilton's trip to Portugal could take place, Hess decided to fly a Me 110 to Scotland with the intention of having a meeting Hamilton. On 10th May, 1941, Hess arrived in Scotland. Hess hoped that Hamilton would arrange for him to meet George VI. Hess believed he could persuade the king to sack Winston Churchill and to make peace with Germany in order to join forces against the Soviet Union.
When he heard the news Adolf Hitler was quick to issue a statement pointing out that "Hess did not fly in my name." Albert Speer, who was with Hitler when he heard the news, later reported that "what bothered him was the Churchill might use the incident to pretend to Germany's allies that Hitler was extending a peace feeler."
Hess was kept in the Tower of London until being sent to face charges at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. He was found guilty of actively supporting preparations for war and in participating in the aggression against Czechoslovakia and Poland.
Douglas Douglas-Hamilton died in 1973.


(3) Report by an MI5 agent on Archibald Ramsay and the Nordic League (September, 1939)
These individuals are agreed in their hatred of Jewry and their conviction that Jews are responsible for the 'misunderstanding' between Germany and Britain, and are the instigators of the present war. There is, however, a wide range of views among them as to their own action now that the country is actually at war. Whilst very few are willing to bear arms against Germany, the majority feel that nothing should be done which might prejudice this country's interests and that they should play their part in civilian defence and humanitarian work, striving at the same time to enlighten those with whom they come into contact as to the 'real' nature of the factors which brought about the war.
Captain Ramsay MP has expressed himself as willing to continue his anti-Jewish propaganda and has enlisted the support of the above- mentioned.
He intends to proceed on two lines:
(a) The distribution among MPs; in clubs; in the Services, of a carefully prepared memorandum or leaflet aimed at refuting the Prime Minister's statement that Hitler cannot be trusted, dealing with the issues of Austria, Bohemia and Poland and designed throughout to show that World Jewry are the instigators of the war.
(b) Leaflets and adhesive labels bearing purely anti-Semitic propaganda. It is intended that these latter shall be printed secretly and distributed during the night.
Captain Ramsay has been in touch with Sir Oswald Mosley with a view to arriving at a basis for cooperation, and it is reliably reported that the two have reached agreement. In this connection two articles which appeared in the current issue (16 September) of 'Action', headed 'Peace Aims' and 'War Aims' respectively, may be significant - they are framed on very similar lines to those of Ramsay's proposed memorandum.

(2) Colonel Tar Robertson, head of MI5's double agent section, wrote a report on the Duke of Hamilton in April 1941.
Hamilton at the beginning of the war and still is a member of the community which sincerely believes that Great Britain will be willing to make peace with Germany provided the present regime in Germany were superseded by some reasonable form of government.
This view, however, is tempered by the fact that he now considers that the only thing that this country can do is to fight the war to the finish, no matter what disaster and destruction befalls both countries. He (Duke of Hamilton) is a slow-witted man, but at the same time he gets there in the end; and I feel that if he is properly schooled before leaving for Lisbon he could do a very useful job of work.
What MI5 had in mind was to get the duke to extract "a good deal of information from Haushofer about how Germany is weathering the war," Robertson said. "
"Presumably one fine day," noted another MI5 official, "we shall be willing to listen to peace moves and I see no reason why we should not get advance knowledge if possible."

(3) Albert Speer was with Adolf Hitler when he heard that Hess had flown to Britain. He wrote about it in his book, Inside the Third Reich (1970)
What bothered him was the Churchill might use the incident to pretend to Germany's allies that Hitler was extending a peace feeler. "Who will believe me when I say that Hess did not try there in my name, that the whole thing is not some sort of intrigue behind the backs of my allies?"
At the time it appeared to me that Bormann's ambition had driven Hess to this desperate act. Hess, also highly ambitious, could plainly see himself being excluded from access to and influence over Hitler.

(4) A British psychiatrist wrote a report on Rudolf Hess in 1941.
He was convinced he was surrounded by secret-service agents he would accomplish his death by driving him to commit suicide, committing a murder staged to look like suicide, or administering poison in his food.