Monday, March 06, 2006

Bankers Engineered WWII US Intervention

By Henry Makow Ph.D. March 04, 2006

After Britain's humiliating retreat from Dunkirk June 4, 1940, Winston Churchill defiantly declared, "We shall fight on the beaches...we shall never surrender..."
His confidence was based on the knowledge the United States would back Britain.
The majority of Americans were against intervention. But a covert British propaganda and "dirty tricks" campaign, employing almost 1000 people in NYC (mostly Brits and Canadians), had hijacked democracy. It illustrates how London-based central bankers control the American people to this day.
The Republican Party was against intervention. Thanks to the British, the Republican Presidential nomination June 28, 1940 went to an unknown pro-intervention pro-conscription "internationalist" Wendell Wilkie, a lifetime Democrat who had never held public office.
On the eve of the costliest war in US history, (one million dead or maimed, $2 trillion in 1990 dollars), Americans were not given a choice. There wasn't an anti-war candidate. Does this remind you of 2004?
More than propaganda was involved. The organizer of the Republican convention, Ralph Williams, an "isolationist" (doublespeak for nationalist) conveniently died May 16 and was replaced by a lifelong British agent Sam Pryor who packed the convention with Wilkie delegations and supporters shouting, "We want Wilkie."
True, Williams was 70 years old. But historian Thomas Mahl says that the British mandate included murder and he implies this took place.
" [Wilkie's] nomination exempted President Franklin Roosevelt from the normal pressures of an election campaign," Mahl writes in his explosive book "Desperate Deception: British Covert Operations in the US, 1939-44." (1998)
Walter Lippmann wrote, "the sudden rise and nomination of Wendell Wilkie was the decisive event, perhaps providential, which made it possible to rally the free world...Under any other leadership but his, the Republican Party would ... have turned its back on Great Britain..." (164)
If a Republican nationalist like Robert Taft had won the nomination, Churchill was prepared to make peace with Hitler and abandon Stalin to his fate. The Jewish holocaust wouldn't have occurred because of Hitler's wish for good relations with England. In a repeat of World War One, American intervention prolonged the war with disastrous consequences for mankind.
The Illuminati game plan was for a long two-front war that the Nazis would lose. Although Mahl doesn't mention the Illuminati by name, his book exposes its modus operandi, which I will detail later.
To recapitulate for new readers, the Illuminati is the highest echelon of Freemasonry. Since its foundation in 1776, it has pursued the enslavement of humanity using world government or "internationalism" as an artifice.
Based in the City of London, the Illuminati represents the families that own the world's central banks. Through intermarriage, this clique combines Jewish finance and European/ American aristocracy in the pursuit of money, the occult, and its own supremacy.
It must enslave humanity to protect its monopoly over credit. The government does not create money. It borrows it from the central bankers who create it out of nothing and charge interest.
The aim is to colonize the whole world. Nations (like the US and England) movements (Communism, Feminism, Zionism and Fascism) and peoples (Jews and Arabs) are all sacrificial pawns in a multigenerational plan to create a Luciferian world dictatorship.
Central to the plan are wars contrived to distract, demoralize and destroy humanity. Each war increases Illuminati power and wealth and makes mankind accept domination. World War Two was no exception.
The Rockefeller and Morgan empires are part of the central banking cartel. At the highest level, all intelligence agencies (MI-6, CIA, Mossad, KGB) answer to this cartel, not to their national governments.
"British Security Coordination," (BSC) part of MI-6 handled the Illuminati campaign to frogmarch the USA into World War Two. It was financed by the Rockefellers and Morgans and housed rent-free on the 38th Floor of the "International Building" of Rockefeller Center.
"This was a convenient address," Mahl writes. "Several British agencies promoting intervention were also housed here. The British Press Service was located on the 44th Floor. The British intelligence front group Fight for Freedom located its operations on the 22nd floor in the same building, also rent free." (11)
Wendell Wilkie had been an organizer at numerous Democratic conventions. He was the President of a Morgan-controlled insurance company and a member of the "Fight for Freedom" executive. His whole campaign was financed and organized by the Morgans and British intelligence but made to look homespun.
After losing the 1940 election, Wilkie worked closely with FDR to sabotage nationalist Republicans and was briefly considered for FDR's VP in 1944. Instead, his usefulness apparently ended, he conveniently died in that year at age 52 of a streptococcic throat infection contracted in hospital.
The BSC's minions might be forgiven for thinking the Rockefellers were opponents of Fascism. In fact, the central banking cartel brought Hitler to power. The Rockefellers provided the Nazis with oil and owned a slice of Germany's largest industrial concern, I.G. Farben. They provided the Nazis with indispensable technology and materiel before and during the war, at the expense of the US war effort.
Charles Higham's book "Trading with the Enemy" demonstrates that the central bankers had an intimate economic relationship with the Nazis through corporations like Standard Oil, General Motors, Ford, ITT and the Chase Bank.
Defeating Nazism was not the immediate goal of American intervention. The goal was to have a long, devastating and lucrative war, leading to greater concentration of power in their hands, the Cold War and world government (the European Union and the United Nations.)
In the 1930's the American people learned how the bankers had manoeuvred the US into World War One for great profit. Congress passed a battery of legislation to prevent this from happening again. British PM Neville Chamberlain called the US Congress "pig headed and self righteous nobodies."
Thus the Illuminati had to change public opinion before FDR could commit the US to war. Their main weapon was the mass media, literally owned by the central bankers or controlled by advertising from their cartels.
In 1940, publications owned by the central bankers and their front men included The New York Herald Tribune, The New York Times, PM, The Chicago Sun, The Cowles Group (Look), Time Life, The Washington Post and the Baltimore Sun. All were decidedly for intervention. Hollywood also produced war propaganda. Alexander Korda, director of "Lady Hamiliton" and "The Lion has Wings" was a British agent.
Journalists achieved success as spokesmen for British Intelligence. They included Walter Winchell, Drew Pearson, Dorothy Thompson, Walter Lippmann, James Reston and Hubert Bayard Swope.
Public opinion polls were rigged or edited to give Americans the impression they favored intervention. For example, a British agent David Ogilvy put out the Gallup polls.
Nationalist politicians like Hamilton Fish, Gerald Dye and Burton Wheeler were smeared as pro-Nazi and anti Semitic. They were hounded with false charges and eventually defeated. One, Senator Arthur Vandenburg changed his mind with the help of beautiful socialites working for British Intelligence.
The British manufactured German atrocity photos and a phoney map purporting to be a Nazi plan to divide South America. This map helped FDR overturn the last remaining neutrality legislation. Phoney horoscopes forecasted ruin for Hitler and American "isolationists."
Like the Communists, the British formed numerous groups that masqueraded as grass roots organizations. They included "Friends of Democracy," "The League for Human Rights," the "Fight for Freedom Committee."
After the war, the Rockefeller's Council on Foreign Relations ensured that official histories of American intervention were written. They did not want a repeat of the embarrassing revelations of how the US was tricked into World War One.
The British would have abandoned Stalin only as a last resort. British Freemasonry (i.e. the central bankers) was behind the Bolshevik Revolution but England had to pretend to be opposed to betray their allies, the nationalist White Russians. The bankers created Nazi Germany because Stalin had become too nationalistic himself.
The bankers were going to let the two titans fight it out like monsters in a Japanese B-movie but Hitler had to lose because Germany represented a much greater threat to their plans than Russia. In my view, the Nazis were gangsters but the Soviets were no better.
Mahl's book provides glimpses into this confluence between the central bankers, the British, Jewish leaders, and the USSR.
For example, the BSC subsidized the Overseas News Agency, which was a branch of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, founded by Jacob Landau. Banker Felix Warburg also subsidized the JTA, whose job was to publicize persecution of Jews. Landau was also on the executive of "Fight for Freedom."
Decrypted VENONA messages (wires between the Soviet embassy and Moscow) reveal that Landau was working for both the British and the Soviets. He traveled to Mexico City in 1943 and had several meetings with the Soviet ambassador.
Mahl writes: "the VENONA messages reveal...Soviet secret intelligence had thoroughly penetrated BSC and its offspring OSS" (which became the CIA.) (49)
William Stephenson headed BSC. His Second -in- Command was Col. Charles "Dick" Ellis a member of MI-6 who organized and ran the future CIA. According to Mahl, Ellis was "also suspected of working for German and Soviet intelligence services." (194) (Neither men were Jewish.)
This picture is consistent with the view that the central bankers control Intelligence agencies. See my "Are World Wars Orchestrated?"
Freud's nephew Edward Bernays helped manipulate the masses for the Illuminati. In his book "Propaganda," he wrote:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the true ruling power of our country."
Clearly democracy and freedom itself is an illusion. There is room for popular choice but the Illuminati manipulates the process to produce the desired outcome. Ultimately it serves to legitimize illegitimate power.
Wars are orchestrated to eventually produce Illuminati world government. As the Masonic leader Albert Pike wrote in 1871, the third world war will be between the "political Zionists and Islam." Translated, that means the US and Israel versus Iran and possibly China and Russia.
Americans are being frogmarched to the next world war. The present period might be compared to the 1930's when both sides armed and had rehearsal wars. The final conflagration, possibly in 2010-2012, will eliminate a large number of "useless eaters." We are being so degraded and compromised by our acquiescence in our government's crimes that our demise will have Biblical overtones.