Saturday, September 17, 2005

Why Jewish Bankers Love Anti-Semites

September 17, 2005
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Jewish bankers love anti-Semites because they transform a legitimate political and economic grievance into a racial one that easily can be dismissed as "hatred."
They ensure that Jews remain servile to the bankers' agenda and non-Jews remain divided on racial terms.
One of their favorite anti-Semites is Edgar Steele, a lawyer and Aryan activist whose "nickel rants" appear on his web site
Steele portrays himself and his followers as ordinary Americans concerned about their children, their jobs and their country. This is true. American has been subverted.
But instead of correctly identifying the culprits, he leads his followers into a dead end: a racist animosity toward all Jews and Blacks.
In a speech at "Aryanfest 2005" in late August, he said he blamed all Jews for the Iraq War, not just Zionists like Paul Wolfowitz, for two reasons:
"First, because even those who do not actively help the Zionists provide the Zionist Jews cover when they fall back into their ranks, to hide behind their Jewishness and fling the charge of anti-Semite at the rest of us. And, second, because it is genetic. The compulsion to control others, to get on top of them, to take advantage and force others to their will is inbred from thousands of years of culture. Even the good ones will produce kids who will want to cheat your kids out of their lunch money."
I phoned my son, 18, with this alarming information. Had he ever stolen or cheated anyone in his life?
Of course, he hadn't. I knew it but I wanted to get his reaction. He is a good human being. He doesn't lie either.
Edgar, how can you be so stupid? Racism cuts both ways. Do you see what you are saying about your own children? Are they genetically so naïve as to be cheated out of their lunch money?
Are you (and your followers) genetically doomed to be deceived, disinherited and enslaved? I don't think so.
But it gets worse. Commenting on New Orleans, he says: "Blacks simply are far more prone to lawlessness in general and violence in particular, than are Whites. It is genetic and cultural after all?I wouldn't even be surprised to read reports of cannibalism before this is all over, just as has been recurring in parts of Africa. Remember, it's genetic."
Suddenly "ordinary" Americans concerned about their children, jobs and country have been transformed from rational, intelligent people to an angry mob easily discredited and defeated.
Edgar, what kind of lawyer destroys his own case in such a blatant fashion? What kind of leader misleads his people?
New Orleans was a rehearsal for martial law. There are reports that Black evacuees are being held in concentration camps which are being prepared for the likes of Edgar and me.
The New World Order's stooges keep pushing to see how much trampling America will take lying down. It is in their interests to keep Whites and Jews at each other's neck and to portray anti-globalism as anti-Semitism.
Racism is both stupid and wrong. People must be judged by their own deeds. All human beings are endowed with freedom to do right or wrong. People who do right should not be condemned because others of the same background do wrong. How would Edgar Steele like to be punished because of what someone he never met did?
In a 2003 article, "It Ain't Arabs" Steele gives about 60 reasons for hating Jews. Some relate to his personal experience. But 95% of them result from the actions of Jews (including Zionists) who were/are manipulated and empowered by the London banking cartel. They do not apply to a majority of North American Jews who like myself are opposed to Zionism in its current form and alienated from mainstream Judaism.
America's problems can all be traced to the fact that its finances are controlled by a London-based banking cartel led by the Rothschilds. The New World Order is designed to translate their monopoly of credit (they create our money from nothing as a debt to them) into world institutions of political and thought control.
As I have said, they direct government and education through their sponsor-ownership and control of most politicians, parties, cartels, business councils, professional associations, think tanks, foundations, university endowments, mass media, intelligence agencies, secret societies and organized crime.
In other words, anyone who is a success in Western society is a witting or unwitting ally, pawn or accomplice of "Jewish" bankers and their agenda.
Bankers like J.P.Morgan, J.D. Rockefeller and Joseph Seligman were agents of this London banking cartel, as are many media moguls and Presidents. "Bankers and politicians are only men of straw.... even though they occupy high places and appear to be authors of the plans which are carried out..." according the Red Symphony disclosure.
You could get rid of all Jews and nothing would change. The bankers have intermarried with the non-Jewish elite and their goals have become the goals of Western imperialism. More worrisome, they have adopted a Luciferian philosophy, hidden in Freemasonry, which threatens to doom the human race.
For example, most Zionist leaders were and are Freemasons. In the words of Rabbi Shaul Brach," The Zionist heretics who run the State are collaborators and agents of Satan himself." The same could be said of George W. Bush who loves to flash the satanic horned goat sign while pretending it refers to the Texas Longhorns. (He couldn't very well admit the truth.)
Edgar, the problem is a Luciferian conspiracy empowered by a credit monopoly. The only solution is to bust the cartels and put the power of creating money into the hands of honest legislators, as the U.S. Constitution provides.
Instead of diverting his followers to vent their spleen on Jews and Blacks in general, Edgar Steele should focus on the bankers and their agents: the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, the Neo Cons, AIPAC, the ADL, the mass media, the Republican and Democratic Parties, to name just a few.
Racism is just a diversion from the problem at hand. It's like a thief who yells, "I'm Polish" when the police arrive. The police round up every Pole in the vicinity and let the thief escape.
Jewish bankers love Anti Semites like Edgar Steele. "Their anti Semitism is indispensable in the management of our lesser brethren," said the Masonic banker who wrote "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion."
Anti-Semites are like dogs who drive the Jewish sheep into the bankers' pen. In spite of this, some Jews are questioning the disproportionate role Jews play in the creation of the New World Order.
Like Edgar Steele, they are experiencing the wrath of the Anti Defamation League, a branch of the Masonic Bnai Brith. Leland Lehrman, the scion of a prominent New York Jewish family, (his father was narrowly defeated by Mario Cuomo in 1982) recently lost his radio show in Santa Fe when the ADL threatened his sponsors. The French government is prosecuting the publisher of Israel Shamir's brilliant book "Our Lady of Sorrow".
Historically, the first preference of most Jews has been to assimilate. This is still the case in the U.S. Read Lenni Brenner's article on Jewish Demographics. Fifty per cent of Jews intermarry. Three-quarters of their children intermarry. Four-fifth of Jews living common law are inter-racial. Less than 10% of Jewish youth have anything to do with the Jewish community. The reason for this is that Zionism, in its present form is an embarrassment to most Jews and mainstream Judaism has failed to provide a credible spiritual standard.
Jewish bankers love anti-Semites because they transform opposition to the NWO into a racial issue that easily can be dismissed as "hatred."
They ensure that Jews remain servile to the NWO agenda and non-Jews remain divided on racial terms.
The best qualities of white Europeans are derived from Christianity: the belief in personal salvation, Divine Love and the universal brotherhood of man. I would urge Edgar Steele and his followers not to turn their backs on this vital heritage.
Jews, Blacks, Whites, homosexuals?all the serfs in the Neo Feudal World Order have much more in common than their differences. We must unite asa brothers to combat the real enemy, a satanic cult empowered by a banking monopoly that pervades every aspect of Western society.